July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020


Welcome to your STD 7 SOCIAL STUDIES



The Maasai is an example of Nilotes.

Major language groups in Africa.


-They are called Nilotes mainly because they followed River Nile during their migration

-They are the second largest group in Africa after the Bantu.

-Nilotes are divided into 3 groups

  1. River Lake Nilotes
  2. Highland Nilotes
  • Plain Nilotes
  1. The River Lake Nilotes

-They got their name mainly because they settled around water bodies during their migration.

-They Include Luos From Migori,Homa Bay,Kisumu And Siaya Counties

-They migrated from Bahr-el-Ghaza region in South Sudan.

-They later moved to Pubungu Pakwach from where they migrated to Kenya  and dispersed to the parts of Uganda.

-The Luo  of  Kenya entered Kenya into 3 main groups known as;

  • Joka-jok
  • Joka-owiny
  • Joka-omolo

-They are mainly animals’ keepers and fishermen.

-They also migrated in search of pasture and water for their animals.

Other reasons for their migrations were;

  1. Population pressure
  2. Natural calamities e.g drought, famine,floods and earthquakes.
  3. Civil war with their neighbours


  1. Highland Nilotes

-They migrated to their present homeland from south western Ethiopia.

-They entered Kenya following the migration route west of  Lake Turkana.

-Some examples of Highland Nilotes Incude; Nandi,Kipsigis,Elgeyo,Tugen,Bongomek,Bok,Terik,Marakwet,Dorobo,Sirikwa,Ogiek (dorobo,sirikwa,ogiek who were hunters and gatherer).

Suku,sebei,sabaot and pokot (pastoral communities).

-The Highland Nilotes are mainly animal keepers and migrated to Kenya in search for pasture and water.

Other reasons for their migrations were;

  1. Population pressure
  2. Natural calamities e.g drought, famine,floods and earthquakes.
  3. Civil war with their neighbours.


  1. The Plain Nilotes

-They migrated to their present homeland from south western Ethiopia.

-They entered Kenya following the migration route east of Lake Turkana as they entered Kenya.

-They were mainly looking for pasture and water for their animals.

-The main economic activity among the Plain Nilotes was Pastroralism

-They include The Maasa,Samburu,Iteso,Turkana and Njemps,Illchamus,Endoras and Elmolo of Kenya

-We also have The Karamajong,Jie,And Iteso Of Uganda

Others were Baria and Gumuz of Ethiopia.


-The original homeland of the Cushites was Southern Arabia from where they moved to the horn of Africa.

-The Cushites migrated into Tanzania and Kenya from the Horn of Africa.

-The main cause of their migration was the search for pasture and water for their animals

-The main economic activity among the Cushites  was nomadic Pastroralism.

-The Cushite are classified into 2 major categories

  1. Southern Cushites
  2. Eastern Cushites

a)Southern Cushites

-They were the earliest group to arrive in Kenya

-The southern Cushites in Kenya Include; the Dahalo,Sanye and Boni.

-Some they travelled southwards as far as Tanzania,hence the name southern cushites.

-The Southern Cushites group in Tanzania include;


b)Eastern Cushites 

-They are mainly found in Kenya, Somalia,Sudan and Ethiopia

-The communities of Eastern Cushites include;

  1. The Ajura,gurreh,Ogaden,hawiye,Somali and Danakil of Somalia.
  2. The sindano,Ogaden and Danakil of Ethiopia
  3. The Somali,rendille ,borana,orma,gabbra,sallas,bilin and galla of Kenya.


-This is the smallest language group in Eastern Africa.

-The Semites migrated from Southern Arabia

-They mainly migrated in search of trade items

-The Semites communities include;

  1. The arabs and Nubians of Northern Sudan
  2. Nubians are also found in Kenya and Tanzania
  3. The Issa and Afar of Djibouti
  4. The Falasha ,Amhara,Tigreans,Hariri and Baghara of Ethiopia
  5. The Tigreans are also found in Eritrea.

Work to do (10mks)

1.Which one of the following is not a mojor language group in Eastern Africa.

  1. THREE of the following are original inhabitants of Eastern Africa  except one.

  1. The following are communities that followed lake Malawi and Tanganyika EXCEPT ______.

  1. Which one of the following is not among the Bantu communities in Tanzania?

  1. The Bantu in Uganda followed the route between____________

6.The Suku, Sebei, Sabaot and Pokot were______________

7.The following are southern Cushites group in Tanzania Except.

8.The main economic group activity of Cushites was_____.

9.Which Nilotic sub group had a dispersal point at Pabungu Pakwach_______.

  1. The smallest language group in Eastern Africa is____________

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