Welcome to your GRADE 1 END TERM 3 HOMEWORK
2. Twenty nine
3. Seventy
4. Ninety seven
5. Zero
Put together6. 7 + 3 =
7. 10 + 12
8. 22+34 =
9. A hen had ten eggs yesterday. Six eggs were added today. How many are they now?
10. Mary has 2 English activities books, 5 mathematical activities books and 3 Shughuli za Kiswahili books. How many books does Mary have?
ENGLISH ACTIVITIES WORK.Read the story below and answer the questions.The booth was in a corner and my foot hit it. My tooth came out as I hit it because I was running. Blood came out of my mouth. My brother looked at me and came where I sat. My brother Jack took me home and I took some salty water.Answer the questions.1. The booth was in in a _____
2. ________ came out of my tooth.
3. My ________ looked at me.
4.Count the double 'o' sounds in the story. How many are they?______
5. At home I took some ________
Use is, are, am6. Mary ________ a girl.
7. The _______ my clothes.
8. I ______cooking kales and ugali.
9. It _____ cold today.
10. We ______jumping on glass.
SHUGHULI ZA KISWAHILIA. Jibu salamu hizi.1. Shikamoo - ............
2. Umeshindaje?
3. Hujambo - ....................
Jaza Pengo4. Mwalimu huandikia hapo darasani_______
5. Hutumiwa kufutia __________
6. Wanafunzi huenda huko kusoma________
Andika kwa wingi.7. Kitabu -
8. Nguo - ______
9. Kikapu - _______
10. gari-_____
B. Andika hadithi fupi kuhusu mnyama huyu
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