Welcome to your GRADE 2 T1 2024... ENVIRONMENTAL & CRE
GRADE 2 END OF TERM 1 2024 HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENTENVIRONMENTAL AND C.R.E ACTIVITIES.TASK 1 : ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIESLook at the picture above keenly and answer these questions.1. The pupils are _____
2. The person standing near them is their ____
3. What are they wearing on their faces?.......
4. Where will they take the litter they are collecting?
5. Their teacher is ____
6. We avoid germs by keeping our school____
7. A security officer keeps us _____
8. We should always _____ our hands after visiting the toilet.
9. We should not play near open______
10. We should say no to gifts from ___
11. We wear _______ clothes when it is cold
12. Our National flag has ___ colours.
13. In school we raise the flag on ____
14. Our National Anthem has ____ verses.
15. When we raise our national flag, we should____
16. A good leader ______ other learners
17. Animals found at home are called____ animals.
Use this weather chart for questions 18 - 20.18. On Thursday, the weather was______
19. Which day had sun and clouds together?
20. What can you see on Friday?
Fill in the gaps.21. Thia is _____
22. A cow gives us ______ to cook tea.
23. We sleep on a ______
24. The person who teach you at school is called a ____
25. We see the stars at _____
26. Spectacles protects our _____
27. The animal that barks is a ______
28. A small insect that makes honey is called a _____
29. Which one of these animals is NOT kept at home?( cat, hen, lion)
30. An elephant is a _____ animal (wild, domestic, town)
TASK 2: C.R.E31. The first man who was created by God was_____
32. _______ was the mother of Jesus.
33. The wise men took the gifts like _______ to baby Jesus.
34. When we are given gifts, we should say _______
35. Jesus had _____ disciples
36. The person who was swallowed by this big fish was called____
37. Jesus grew up in _______
38. The person who preaches in our church is called a _____
39. Jesus died ______
4o. This man had a withered hand. Jesus healed him on a ______
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