Welcome to your GRADE 3... MATHEMATICS.
GRADE 3 MIDTERM 1 MATHEMATICAL ACTIVITIES.STRAND : NUMBERSSUB-STRAND : FRACTIONSA fraction is a part of something whole. Look at the pictures below. This is 1/8. It is called an eighth ( 1 part of 8 parts). This one is 1/4. It is called a quarter ( 1 part of 4 parts). This is 1/2. It is called a half (1 part of 2 parts).
A quarter is written as ¼
A half is written as ½
An eighth is written as 1/8ACTIVITY 1.Ask your parent to give you an orange. Tell him/her to cut it into two halves. Show him or her what is a half.Then tell the parent to cut it again to get 4 quarters. Show the parent what a quarter is. Give each quarter to other members of the family.
2. One out of four is written as ____.
3. One out of eight is written as_____
4. One eighth is ______
5. One quarter is ____
6. ½ of 4 is ______
7. ½ of 8 is _____
8. ½ of 12 is _____
9. ½ of 6 pens is ___
10. ½ of 2 pencils is ___
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