Welcome to your GRADE 1 TERM 1 TASK 2 HOMEWORK
2. 14 _____
3. 0 _____
4. 19
5. 59_____
Add Together6. 9+4=
7. 8+5=
8. 4+2+2=
9. A hen lays one egg everyday. How many eggs will it lay in a week?
10. My father bought me four mangoes and my mother Three oranges. How many mangoes did I have?
ENGLISH ACTIVIESRead the story belowOnce upon a time, hyenas had no spots on their bodies. Their bodies were covered with brown fur and it was difficult to see them.Hyenas used to steal other animals' children and ate them. One day, the King of the animals Mr. Lion called other animals and asked them the best way to do to hyenas so that they can be seen. They agreed to put black spots on their bodies when they were asleep. From that day, hyenas have black spots and can be seen easily.New words.Tell your parent or guardian to explain to you the meaning of these words:
2. A leopard has ________ on its body.
3. Our cat has long _______ on its body.
4. It is _____ to drive a car when you are in Grade One.
5. We all ______ that God is good.
USE am, are, were to complete these sentences.6. All my friends ______ absent when we closed school.
7. I _____ older than you.
8. All class 8 pupils ____ good today.
9. I ____ the best in singing in our class.
10. We _____ all going back to schools after elections.
CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION.1. The above picture is called _______
2. People go to the above house to________
3. The word of God is found in the__________
4. Jesus was born in ______
5. Who among these people was an apostle of Jesus?
6. Who was killed by David using a sling and a small stone?
6. The Bible is divided into _____ parts.
7. The mother to Jesus was called _______
8. We talk to God through _______
9. We are all created in the image of ________
10. Who among these people was Jesus' cousin?
Time's up
I propose you print homework booklets rather than having to work it on the smartphones or computers. This will make it easy for teachers to tell who exactly did the homework. A parent can login and do the homework and it will be undetected.
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1 Comment
I propose you print homework booklets rather than having to work it on the smartphones or computers.
This will make it easy for teachers to tell who exactly did the homework. A parent can login and do the homework and it will be undetected.
Thank you.