Christians and Social Welfare Social problems
These are problems that undermine Christian attempts to work together with others. They also slow down a country’s development.
Jesus taught us about equality and fairness, which we should practice at all times.

Christians should exercise Christian values when dealing with social problems.
( Matthew 12:46 - 50),( Mark 10: 35 - 37)

Nepotism is the practice of showing favouritism or giving priority to one’s relatives over others. It is especially evident in work places or when admitting new students.
- Nepotism can destroy good relationship by:
a) Causing disunity among people.
b) Discouraging competent workers.
c) People become enemies and fail to respect each other.
d) Creating jealousy.
e) Promoting dishonesty and undermining one another.
- Jesus refused to practice nepotism when His mother and brothers came to see Him (Matthew 12:46-50).
John 4: 5 - 10
Tribalism is an attitude that is based on strong loyalty to one’s own tribe.
- Tribalism can destroy good relationships in a nation. People usually practice tribalism because they do not trust other communities.
- Tribalism is a sin for it causes bitterness, pain and suffering to the victims.
- Tribalism can cause tribal clashes.
- It promotes laziness, mistrust and dishonesty among people. It interferes with the practice of living Christian values.
- It also destroys peace and harmony in the society.
- Jesus at Jacob’s well talked to the Samaritan woman to show His followers that they should not discriminate against others on the basis of their tribes.
- We should follow the example of Jesus in loving others equally as God’s children.


Corruption is the act of being dishonest in order to favour oneself or one’s close friends.
- To deal with all forms of corruption in Kenya, the Kenya Anti-corruption Commission (KACC) was formed.

- Zacchaeus was despised and hated because he was corrupt.
- Through sharing a meal with Jesus, Zacchaeus was forgiven and accepted Jesus as his Saviour.
- Jesus forgives those who take bribes if they repent.
- Christians should follow the example of Jesus Christ who served both His community and God. As good citizens we should serve our country by doing what is good.
- We should contribute to its development, not its downfall.( Romans 15:1-2) says that we should help the needy in our society and build them up rather than just pleasing ourselves.
- Christians should come together to help others. This makes community members happy and they remain united.
- Some of the things that encourage corruption are:
- Greed and selfishness
- The wish to become rich quickly
- Laziness
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Lack of discipline among people.
- How can we overcome corruption?
- By not bribing or accepting to receive a bribe from anyone.
- By reporting any case of corruption to the authorities.
- By working hard to earn an honest living.
- By encouraging our friends not to be corrupt in any way.
Mismanagement of resources
A resource is something that can be used to generate wealth. Our minds, the land, other people and even the sun are resources.
- Human resources are the people who are useful because of their knowledge, skills and/or capabilities.
A woman working in a tea farm
- Natural resources are resources that are naturally occuring. They include water, minerals, soil, forests and wild animals.
Elephants in Masai Mara
Mt Kenya forest slopes
River Tana
- To mismanage resources is to handle resources badly.
- Destruction of forests and poaching are ways of mismanaging natural resources.
- Human beings are valuable resources of God. Mistreatment, underpaying or overworking employees is mismanagement of human resource.
- Natural resources are also valuable to God so we should take care of them.
- We should appreciate both human and natural resources.
ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS.1. Which one of the following is Not a Christian value?